Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Market Update March 25, 2014 16:04 (BTC down 1.14% to $582)

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Bitcoin is currently down $6.71 (1.14%) in trading against the dollar today.  This should be noted in conjunction with the fact that this price is 35.3% higher than the 30 day low of $430.12.  Bitcoin has been as high as $698 and as low as $430.12 over the prior 30 days.  This equates to 30 day volatility of 4.1%.  BTC has been up as much as $0.55 today and down as much as $21.7 today.  A quick review of Bitcoin historical prices show that The controversial crupto currency has closed higher than this price 20 of the last 30 days.


Litecoin is also having a tough trading day.  Litecoin is currently trading at $16.14 per coin.  Interday trading has seen prices as high as $16.35 and as low as $15.80.  This price is 1% lower than yesterday's close price, this pulback comes after a recent 28% run up in price with prices toping out at $21.

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