Bitcoin is currently up $0.52 (0.11%) in trading against the dollar today at $468. Bitcoin has been as high as $698 and as low as $450.01 over the prior 30 days. This equates to 30 day volatility of 4.7%. A review of Bitcoin historical prices show that BTC has closed higher than this price 29 of the last 30 days. The lightning rod currency has been up as much as $3.97 today and down as much as $3.52 today so there is the potential for good news in coming inter-day trading.
Litecoin is also up against the dollar. Litecoin is currently trading at $13.29 per coin. Interday trading has seen prices as high as $13.28 and as low as $13.2. This price is 0.7% higher than yesterday's close price.